Be forewarned, this is a rant. I'm pissed off and I can't take it anymore. My post from yesterday opened up this discussion at work and when people started giving armchair advice for the Katrina victims, saying they should pack up and get a new life elsewhere, it was all I could do to keep my claws sheathed. I guess I really do need that massage tomorrow, huh? :)
The victims of the flooding in New Orleans shouldn't have to pack up and move elsewhere. New Orleans is their home and it was torn apart by a lackadaisical government and the corps of engineer’s poor building and not properly maintaining the levees. If you broke it, fix it. Don't put these people up in trailers for a year while you let their homes sit broken and full of debris. Don't tell them it would be easier to move away from all they know and own. Get into the city and fix it! Don't promise them money and maybe give it to them a year later. Don’t allow the insurance companies to not pay these people. It really seems like the government is helping get all the poorer people out of New Orleans, so vultures can swoop in a buy these people's property for nothing and then turn around and sell it for sky high prices. If we ignore this, there won't be a New Orleans.
For the people posting comments to my topic yesterday, saying that it's too easy to blame the government about this situation. I completely agree with you. From the way that the office, that says it represents and serves us, conducts itself, it is entirely far too easy to blame the government.
This is the government that can spy on us illegally, and put us into a war to find Osama Bin Laden and weapons of mass destruction, and then go after Hussein (which is strictly for oil. Don't let that aw shucks got to protect the country talk about weapons and terrorism fool you. This war is strictly about money, which is what most wars are about.)
This is the government who turned the biggest budget surplus ever into a $8,507,362,238,764.27 budget deficit as of Aug 25, 2006. That’s 8.5 trillion dollars. Just thought I’d spell that out for you. :) This is the congress that doesn't use the system of checks and balances to protect our rights that are being infringed upon by the executive branch. This is the government that is using this so called war on terror to further their own agenda.
You do remember that the Bushes are in the oil business, right? And that they waged a war in the Middle East, where there's oil, right? So, you take out the evil dictator and make it easier to make money of your own on oil once you're out of office? Right? Hmm...sounds funny when you think about it. We believed this was about terrorism??? That's hilarious.
So, yes, for me, it's entirely way too easy to blame the federal government about what's going on with the state of our union and all the other messes overseas that Bush has pushed us into. When you’ve fucked up so much, it’s hard not to blame the government. This is the government we elected to stand for us and pass laws for the good of the nation? Really? I only have to say this, “Is it 2008 yet?”